miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

World Championship 2011 ~ End of Expedition Wrap Up

Playak News Flash - September 28, 2011
The world's latest paddling headlines.
Michele Ramazza World Championship 2011
Michele Ramazza - Everything is ready here in Oetztal (Oetz Valley) for the free-ride world championship. People are training here since Friday 23rd. The water is quite high due to the recent show fell couple of weeks ago and to the high temperature.
Kayak Sri Lanka End of Expedition Wrap Up
Kayak Sri Lanka - In the last week we tried our best to keep up our hit rate of new rivers and headed to the river which runs parallel with the Kelani (the rafting river). During the drive up the stunning valley we manged to get the odd look at the river and despite a few hydos it looked like it could be a fun one.
Mike Dawson Oetz, Austria - Searching for the Sickest line!!
Mike Dawson - Otztal, Austria has been overrun by mac books, go pros, iphones & a bunch of paddlers here to get fired up and learn their lines for the 2011 Sickline World Championships.
Nick Pearce Norway road trip part 2.
Nick Pearce - Arriving in Valldal from Voss and there was one run that we all wanted to get our teeth into – the Mickey Mouse run. This new but already legendary run looks from the road like a small ditch with no water in it.
Roaring Fork Kayakers Royal Gorge, California
Roaring Fork Kayakers - This summer was the best summer of my life. We started out having a nice long PNW spring/summer with plenty of flow up here in WA, and then we continued our stoke into the best place to kayak ever, California! We rolled into Tahoe late one night and packed our stuff for 3 days on the royal gorge.
Jackson Kayak Gauley Festival Photos
Jackson Kayak - Hey Everyone, I have sat down like ten times to write a Gauley Festival Update but I was having too much fun kayaking and when I would write it, i didnt know where to even begin! There were amazing days on the river from the first timers down the gauley, to the high water realese, hometown throwdowns, taking my uncle on the new and enjoying the festival.
Immersion Research What is this so called "Double Pump"?
Immersion Research - The Double Pump is a drill that involves bobbing in flatwater, alternating from your bow to your stern. By pulling the stern of your kayak underwater you create more energy to force your bow underwater when your stern resurfaces. This is an important skill to master as it is a major step towards any of the advanced freestyle moves that involve getting your boat vertical.
Just Yakkin Where it all began . . .
Just Yakkin - In the "About Me" section to the right of this post, you'll see that I mention making a skin on frame (SOF) kayak at the age of 13. For years (perhaps 30) this little boat has languished in the crawlspace under my uncle's log house. I knew it was there but never really bothered to look at it ...
Jackson Kayak Big Brazos River Bass on Rattle Snake!
Jackson Kayak - Maximization of fishing time is something we all strive for; after all, sometimes fishing has to take a back seat to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In my job in the oil and gas industry, I travel all over the state of Texas to drilling rigs and frac jobs and most of the time I carry my Coosa in the back of my truck.
To see all the latest news, videos, forum discussions and more, visit Playak News Watch.
This is the standard version of the newsletter, covering all paddling disciplines. To change the tailoring, please login on Playak, and then click the yellow triangle at the very top of the page to set your interests.
To unsubscribe from this newsletter with only one click, click here.

Today's News Editor(s): bartw.

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martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Tatlow Creek! ~ Boundary Creek ~ 5 Reasons to Winter Paddle in Mexico!

Playak News Flash - September 27, 2011
The world's latest paddling headlines.
Dagger Blogs Tatlow Creek!
Dagger Blogs - Tatlow Creek is 100% classic BC class V.  There's a brutal 4x4 road, heinous bushwacking, huge mandatory drops, and giant trees that you need to boof next to.  You will also find crystal clear water that you can drink right out of the river, and an absolutely spectacular gorge that you would be ...
Level 6 Boundary Creek
Level 6 - Boundary Creek is a short steep run located on the U.S. Canada border in Waterton National Park. Boundary has only been run a handful of times since it's first descent 10 or so years ago, mostly due to the 1 hour flatwater paddle and 4 km hike to get to the put in, but it's worth well worth the effort needed to get out there.
worldkayak blogs 5 Reasons to Winter Paddle in Mexico!
worldkayak blogs - Every photo below is a reason to get down and enjoy the beauty of Mexico. Kayak Huasteca is operating for the 6th season this year.   We want to extend a huge Thanks and invitation to all our Friends and Sponsors.
worldkayak blogs GAF Throwdown was a Success!
worldkayak blogs - To all those that helped with the GAF throwdown it was great!  Lots of good playboating and gear swapping.  Everyone here in the Southeast should be getting out those creekboats and getting ready for the rain! 
Quebec road trip
Aniol Serrasolses - Quebec is a great whitewater area, it has everything. Big waves, good creeks and lots and lots of water. We had a great trip hitting habitat 67, lachine rapids, chute de plasaince and Hogsback back in otawa city. Enjoy! Cobra going down in chute de plasaince. Happy ...
The Roaming Dials "Bunny-hop, Boof, and Bushwhack"
The Roaming Dials - If I were 25 -- instead of 50 -- and feeling the urge to start another blog, that's what I'd call it, "Bunny-hop, Boof, and Bushwhack"as I guess those three words represent three of my three favorite outdoor activities.
SquareRock British Championships Series 2011
SquareRock - This year the 2011 British Championships are being held as a 6 part series with the winner not only taking home the title but also a coveted place on the 2012 GB Team.
duemstuff Charnay beach contest 2011
duemstuff - Last weekend, we went to the Charnay Beach Contest. This event is not a traditional competition: new rules for more fun, for more show.
Small World Adventures You could win a Jackson Kayak Villain!
Small World Adventures - Small World Adventures is teaming up with Jackson Kayak to give away a brand new Villain (or Villain S) to a lucky SWA fan this October 1st! Win a shiny new Villain like this one (thanks Vanna, I mean Curtis)
Mark Sundin Greenland Paddling in & around Sydney Harbour
Mark Sundin - Sitting on the beach after landing at Hummocky Island on our recent expedition, with just one day's paddling left, and so many months previous spent preparing for the challenge of the trip, I asked Rob how you get over the 'post expedition blues'. He said the secret was to start planning the next challenge as soon as you get back, even if it's not likely to happen for a good deal of time.
Mark Sundin Greenland Paddling in & around Sydney Harbour
Mark Sundin - Sitting on the beach after landing at Hummocky Island on our recent expedition, with just one day's paddling left, and so many months previous spent preparing for the challenge of the trip, I asked Rob how you get over the 'post expedition blues'. He said the secret was to start planning then...
Each & Everyone Of Lake and River
Each & Everyone - It's the busy season. The fall and spring bring an enormous amount of travel for me with work. Between this past weekend and the first week of November I can look forward to being on 9 flights, staying in 7 cities and visiting three countries.
homemade kayaks Third Week in September
homemade kayaks - ...Kobi is still looking at all the options...
To see all the latest news, videos, forum discussions and more, visit Playak News Watch.
This is the standard version of the newsletter, covering all paddling disciplines. To change the tailoring, please login on Playak, and then click the yellow triangle at the very top of the page to set your interests.
To unsubscribe from this newsletter with only one click, click here.

Today's News Editor(s): bartw.

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lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Big Silver Creek – (Divided We Falls) ~ Gauley Festival 2011

Playak News Flash - September 26, 2011
The world's latest paddling headlines.
Fraser Valley WW Big Silver Creek – (Divided We Falls)
Fraser Valley WW - The Divided Falls run on Big Silver Creek gets its name from the ultra clean 12 foot split falls.
L.A. Creek Freak Say Goodbye to the Riverside-Figueroa Bridge
L.A. Creek Freak - It's not the greatest of the Los Angeles River's historic bridges. The L-shaped Riverside Drive Bridge that connects Elysian Valley with Cypress Park is one of at least five Riverside Drive Bridges in Los Angeles… so it's commonly called the Riverside-Figueroa Bridge. It's sort of a patchwork bridge, with parts from 1928-1929, 1930s and 1950s. And it's going to be demolished… very soon.
Titan Kayaks Gauley Festival 2011
Titan Kayaks - Every Fall, in the Appalachian mountains around the towns of Summersville and Fayetville West Virginia, whitewater kayakers, rafters, and whitewater enthusiasts from around the world come together for the Gauley River Festival, or Gauleyfest. One of the biggest and better known whitewater festivals in North America, Gauleyfest is a must do for kayakers of all ages and abilities. Whether its the classic Upper Gauley big rapids like Pillow or Broken Paddle, or the long mellow stretches of playspot peppered Middle and Lower, the Gauley has something for everyone...
Team LiquidLogic Royal Gorge, California
Team LiquidLogic - This summer was the best summer of my life. We started out having a nice long PNW spring/summer with plenty of flow up here in WA, and then we continued our stoke into the best place to kayak ever, California!
SUP Fitness Why Stand Up Paddling is So Healthy Radio Segment with Suzie Cooney of Suzie Trains Maui
SUP Fitness - There's something happening world-wide on lakes, oceans, streams and even on the Colorado Rapids, Alaska and now, even on mainstream TV, like Bravo TV's Millionaire Matchmaker, and that is stand up paddling! You wouldn't be reading or listening to this segment if you too weren't drawn into the explosive new craze of stand up paddling or SUP as is it a great way to get healthy.
SquareRock Canada Cup/Canada 2011
SquareRock - This August I was lucky enough to get back to the Ottawa River. I was so excited to be going back to Canada; I had been 4 times before but I hadn't spent a summer there since 2006. I was looking forward to, and to curious about, what the river would seem like having now spent so much time of the big volumes rapids of the White Nile, Uganda. Thankfully it didn't disappoint, it was cool to go back and actually be able to do some tricks on all the waves the Ottawa has to offer, whereas last time I was there I was just spinning and doing roundhouse.
Wavesport Blogs California Sunshine !!
Wavesport Blogs - After 2 years of failed / aborted Cali trips, I was finally able to pull it together. Everything came together, and on top of that Mother nature stepped up to the plate to play as well with a 200% snowpack in the Sierra's. 
Andy Wicks Canada 2011 – the warm up
Andy Wicks - This trip had been a long time in the planning. Some time towards the end of 2010, Simon Knox somehow persuaded Martyn Read, Doug Johnson and myself that we wanted to travel to Quebec to paddle the Magpie river. Despite Simon mentioning the 26 miles we would have to paddle down a lake, it still sounded like a good idea and during the following months, the remaining spaces on the trip were filled by Nick Smailes and Richard Morley. This first post is a write-up of my diary for the first part of the trip, before we flew in to the Magpie.
worldkayak blogs Gauley Festival 2011
worldkayak blogs - Gauley festival 2011 is officially in the record books, and the WK family had a great time and hosted some sweet events. I want to give a big thank you to all of our Gauley first time guides (Clay, Em, Andrew, John, Jim, Wes, and Rick).
Immersion Research Riley Adams checking in from his trip to New York/PA
Immersion Research - Some footage from Riley Adams on the bottom moose and hornbeck's creek.
KayakQuixotica Variations on a Contact Tow
KayakQuixotica - The other day a coach that I was paddling with showed me his fancy new quick release on his contact tow. This is certainly a heavy-duty bit of gear. Just what I was looking for to connect my Jeff Allen throw tow to my PFD. I'm sure there are probably lighter quick release clips out there, but these are available locally at the old Farm & Fleet store.
SUP Surf C4 Waterman Announces Re-Launch of Core Brand
SUP Surf - C4 Waterman, Inc. announces the re-launch of its C4 Waterman brand of boards and paddles with a streamlined list of refined models and color ways, which it will manufacture and distribute directly along with its recently released SUBNINE performance series.
A whole bunch of Ing's Camping interupted
A whole bunch of Ing's - A camping trip was contrived as I wrote the previous post. Of course a early morning packing of kit was in order. By noon I was paddling down Witless bay Brook into the beginnings of my trip; which truthfully had the same amount of planning as a car accident. A draconian wind from the west constantly increasing was a welcomed aide; propelling me out of witless bay to continue my open ended trip south.
Paddling Instructor Blog Disaster At The Aquapac Office [Creative Marketing] :)
Paddling Instructor Blog - Aquapac just posted what I think that this is one of the funniest press releases I have read in a very, very long time. A very nice change from the boring and stuffy ones usually passed around...
PaddlingLight Review: Fuselage Frame Boats: a Guide to Building Skin Kayaks and Canoes
PaddlingLight - Fuselage Frame Boats: A guide to building skin kayaks and canoes documents S. Jeff Horton's, Kudzu Craft, method of building plywood-framed skin-on-frame kayaks in a similar method to those developed by Tom Yost of Yostwerks. The idea is to connect a series of frames with stringers to make the basic shape of the kayak or canoe. Over the frame, you sew or attach a fabric skin that you waterproof with varnish or two-part polyurethane. By following the process, you can build a boat quickly and inexpensively. This is my Fuselage Frame Boats review.
To see all the latest news, videos, forum discussions and more, visit Playak News Watch.
This is the standard version of the newsletter, covering all paddling disciplines. To change the tailoring, please login on Playak, and then click the yellow triangle at the very top of the page to set your interests.
To unsubscribe from this newsletter with only one click, click here.

Today's News Editor(s): Allen.

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sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Katya Wins Rider of the Year Best Trick ~ Malefosse Gorge French Alps

Playak News Flash - September 24, 2011
The world's latest paddling headlines.
Palm Blogs Katya Wins Rider of the Year Best Trick
Palm Blogs - Katya took the Award for Best Trick Womens for her huge Airscrew at the WWGP event this Spring in Canada.
Level 6 Top 3 pieces of Level Six gear for travel!
Level 6 - I know that everyone likes to be dry and warm on and off the river. Here are a few of my favorite pieces of dry land gear that I bring with me everywhere I go.
Titan Kayaks First Genesis Review! Just in from the UK
Titan Kayaks - Last Friday I was lucky enough to be the first person in Europe to have a go in the new medium size Genesis 2012...
PaddleBlogs GorgeHits.com: Tshletshy Creek, WA
PaddleBlogs - Over a long 4th of July weekend Brett Barton and I drove up to the N.F. of the Quinault River, and started hiking up to Three Lakes and into the Tshletshy Creek basin for an unforgettable trip down the pristine gorges.
Down Hill Kayaking Decision Time On Dry Meadow Creek - a.k.a. Dry Meadow Creek The Hard Way
Down Hill Kayaking - After four days of running laps on Brush Creek , the plan for our fifth day in California was to check out the Teacups of Dry Meadow Creek. We had decided that we would simplify logistics by only using one car and hiking to and from the Teacups (rather than portaging our way to the Kern River...
worldkayak blogs Malefosse Gorge French Alps
worldkayak blogs - I am you average grade 3/4 Student paddler. Last year in the French alps we had decided to run the Claree into the Briancon gorge, however as a group we were unaware of the Malefosse gorge gr5+ section between these. So taking it casually no worries just some easy grade 2 paddling before we knew it Jason was vertically pinned and everyone else had found eddies, I was tail end Charlie and there was no room in the eddies remaining.
Team Pyranha North Harper Falls Park and Huck
Team Pyranha - Late summer in the southeast doesn't leave a whole lot of options for kayaking except on dam release runs. Wanting to get on something new, myself and a small crew went and checked out North Harper Falls, a waterfall in the Upper Wilson Creek Drainage. .
Werner Photo of the Day. Team Paddler Nicole Mansfield at her favorite wave in the WORLD!
Werner -  Team Paddler Nicole Mansfield says no waiting in line, easy eddy service and steep fast sections make "M-Wave" her favorite play spot in the world.  Paddler's like Nicole are always looking to protect this amazing spot, the farmer who allows boaters to access this Colorado gem on his private property is super nice and nobody wants to ruin the relationship. 
WK Throwdown 2011 Throwdown Season Ends
WK Throwdown - Saturday started with a sunny but brisk morning. Paddlers started showing up at 9:30 am to get registered and get ready for another fun boater cross. At 10:30 we had 3 categories of racers: The first was our women's category. Cheryl McGregor, Sylvie Lebel, Emily Zwanenburg, Sabina Finnie and Shaunna Neil-Martin. The race was excellent. The course was intentionally made tough with a couple must make moves to ensure the challenge and add some excitement to the event.
WK Throwdown Gauley Festival 2011
WK Throwdown - Gauley festival 2011 is officially in the record books, and the WK family had a great time and hosted some sweet events.  I want to give a big thank you to all of our Gauley first time guides (Clay, Em, Andrew, John, Jim, Wes, and Rick).  You guys made some very lucky boaters super happy with a great first day on the Gauley. 
PeakUK Slalom Worlds round up
PeakUK - Finally, the end of the season was on the horizon, and on the 30th August the Peak Team flew out to Slovak capital of Bratislava for the illustrious World Championships. There, they joined Tim and Etienne who had flown out a few days earlier to catch up on lost water time on the site thanks to the injury stricken season that they had already experienced!
To see all the latest news, videos, forum discussions and more, visit Playak News Watch.
This is the standard version of the newsletter, covering all paddling disciplines. To change the tailoring, please login on Playak, and then click the yellow triangle at the very top of the page to set your interests.
To unsubscribe from this newsletter with only one click, click here.

Today's News Editor(s): bartw, Allen.

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